Content – Access – Intelligence – Story
PIVOT Regulatory sees itself as a regulation management consultancy at the interface between business and politics. Our specialization lies in the areas of consumer health protection and environmental protection.
PIVOT Regulatory focuses on product regulation and taxation in the consumer goods, healthcare, energy and chemical industries.
Our projects are designed, planned and implemented according to the CAIS method. Priority is given to a consistent interlocking of all areas, aligned with the integral narrative as well as the central solution approaches and contents. CAIS stands for "Content - Access - Intelligence - Story", which in our opinion are critical success factors for political management.
Content - Content positioning and argumentation
The basis of each project is quantitative analysis of the market and the interaction with the regulatory framework. Based on the company's business model, a market model is developed and a regulatory model based on it. We are convinced that after illustrating how a market functions within the existing regulatory framework, the limits of political intervention can be shown and sound arguments against excessive or prohibitive concepts can be found. If further scientific or legal questions that go beyond the market economy dimension play a role, these will also be substantiated and integrated into the argumentation based on their relevance for the regulatory model.
Access - Access to the center of policy making and decision making
Access to government, administration and politics in general has been reduced to a minimum due to public pressure for participation and transparency. Opinions are increasingly formed by conveying content and constructive proposals that represent added value for the respective policy-maker or decision-maker. Our focus is therefore on establishing a competent exchange of information with experts in government and administration as well as with specialist politicians.
Intelligence – Operatives Wissen und Prozessinformationen
Exklusive, qualitativ hochwertige Informationen über politische Vorhaben oder den Stand legislativer Prozesse lassen sich nicht im Internet recherchieren oder medialer Berichterstattung entnehmen. Wertvolles Wissen resultiert aus inhaltlich belastbaren Dialogen. Dabei gilt, dass niemand alles wissen kann, sondern ein Netzwerk des fachlichen Austausches systematisch ausgerichtet und gepflegt werden muss. Unser Anspruch ist es, in diesen Netzwerken im Namen unserer Kunden aber auch als eigenständige, inhaltlich fundiert agierende Akteure („Regulatory Agents“) wahrgenommen zu werden.
Story - Sovereignty of interpretation through an integral narrative
For us, strategy means having an idea of what is coming and why. This applies to business decisions as well as political ones. Therefore, strategy is basically an interpretation, more precisely a narrative of what will and will not succeed in the future.
This integral narrative is a consistent basis for communication within companies, in the strategic planning process, as well as externally, namely both with actors from politics in the broadest sense and ultimately also in the media and the public. What we begin with a quantitative analysis in our content positioning work always leads to a story that can be varied according to target group without leaving the integral narrative.
Everything in our projects is geared to the goals of our customers, against which they in turn must be measured within their companies. Therefore, our mentality is characterized by respecting internal company rationalities and treating them at least equally to external ones. We therefore do not define success in terms of "feasibility", but rather as an idea of how to actually achieve something.